New Work: Cumberland Community Improvement District (CID) Website
We’re pleased to announce the launch of our latest major website design project: CumberlandCID.org.
The Cumberland Community Improvement District came to us in the beginning of the year with a desire to totally revamp their website.
From content to usability to technology – and national, regional and local focus on the local Cumberland /Cobb area and the Atlanta Braves relocating there – the time was ripe for an complete website revision.
We were happy to oblige.
We have designed plenty of B2B and B2C websites but designing a website for a “community improvement district” is kind of combination of both. The audience includes both the general public (consumers) and business owners, investors and commercial property owners.
The public wants to see what projects are going on in their neighborhood, the details about when they will be completed, how they will benefit them and enhance the area and make their life easier (as in road improvements) or more enriched (as in new trails and parks).
And business owners and investors want to see how how their assessment dollars are being well spent.
So it becomes an important goal to make sure the visual look AND the content are relatable to both audiences.
As well as make sure the content is SEO optimized so that both audiences can find the information they’re looking for should they Google a particular local community project they happened to read about, hear about or maybe drive by.
After a thorough process of discovery (SEO research, interviews, competitive / peer analysis), I/A (information architecture) and UX (user experience) design, content creation, development and testing the new website was ready to go and launched last month.
For a complete overview of the project check out our work portfolio feature here.