Site icon Going Interactive – Creative Digital Agency


The Need.

Going Interactive brought Hospitalogic online with a strong web presence. The site concept started with a solid online strategy which focused on their 3 core brand services, we created easy-to-use navigation, designed pages for the direct target audience, created an online ROI calculator, which all led to an extremely user friendly website.

The Solution.

The site pushes visitors to learn more about their offerings and how Hospitalogic can help. Overall, Going Interactive worked on strategic direction, usability, design, website development, and standard optimization.

The Overview.


Tons of New Views

Tons of New Fans

Tons of New Visitors


The Results.


Three companies under one main brand.

Each segment has it’s own landing page and content.

A strategic path was created for different audience members.

Engaging and Meaningful Strategy, Design, and Creation

Video Spotlight.



Going Interactive worked on strategic direction, usability, concept, design, development, seo optimization and overall digital brand building.

Pixels pushed.

Ideas Generated.

Connections Created.

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