GI Chris tipped us off about the variety of iPhone “white noise” apps a few months ago on a business trip to Boston.
GI Jason and Doug were sharing a hotel room on that trip and complained the next morning about how hard it was to sleep with the snoring, road noise, hallway noise etc. Both of us were astonished when Chris asked “You mean you guys don’t use a white noise app?”. How could we have missed such a great app for business travel!
Since that time I’ve used it on all my family weekend getaways, business trip and sometimes even for a Saturday afternoon nap at home.
There’s a variety of white noise apps if you go to the iTunes store and search “white noise app” you’ll see all of them. Some have free lite versions and some are paid apps.
I personally have three installed on my iPhone. “Sleep Machine” (lite) which let’s you mix a few different relaxing sounds together. “White Noise Lite” and “a pocket Falls – lite” which has a nice waterfall metaphor interface.
But there’s probably at least hundred different apps to try out on your own.
Next time you go on a biz trip or are on a weekend getaway in a hotel with a room right by the elevator – a white noise app can help you sleep like a baby.